Premises Condition Report

Understanding your Commercial Lease

The Premises Condition Report should be attached to every new lease and should include clear photos and description of the premises at the commencement of the lease. Include the following:

-          Walls, (painted, wallpapered etc),

-          Floor coverings, carpet, vinyl, or concrete floors smooth and ready to receive floor coverings.

-          Descriptions of the ceiling and lighting

-          Power and data cabling

-          Landlords chattels including kitchenettes, toilets, blinds and fixed furniture

-          Doors, locks and security systems.

CP Pro Tip:  Always make sure you have a premises condition report attached to the lease with as much detail as possible.  Also record all of the landlords fixtures in the lease. This will ensure your make good negotiations at the end of the lease are resolved easily. 

CPPro offers a tenant representation service if you need help negotiating with your Landlord or reviewing your lease.

My initial consultation is always free. email me to see how I can help.


The Commercial Property Knowledge Library is a free resource to help Tenants and Landlords achieve the best results for their businesses.  If there is a topic you would like me to add to the library, please email your question to  

Disclaimer: This advice is based on general New Zealand lease agreements and as each lease is individual it may not apply to your specific agreement.  You should always take legal advice before entering into any formal agreement for lease of commercial premises.


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