Management Fee Estimator
Use this tool to estimate a fair management fee for your commercial property.
Environmental Policy
CPP is committed to minimising the impact of our business on the environment. We believe that it is our responsibility to protect the natural environment for future generations, and better conditions for the current populations.
Understanding Building Compliance and Warrant of Fitness
Building compliance is another tricky area to understand and navigate, but it is essential to maintain your equipment and keep your building Warrant of Fitness up to date. This article will help you understand why compliance is important and how you can make this exercise simple.
Understanding Commercial Leases
The decision to lease commercial premises is usually a big one. Before you take this important step, you need to understand the lease you are signing. This article will help clarify some of the commonly misunderstood or overlooked clauses of your commercial lease.
Understanding Make Good Obligations
One of the most confusing and contentious lease conditions is the tenants obligation to make good the premises at the end of a lease.
Premises Condition Report
The Premises Condition Report should be attached to every new lease and should include clear photos and description of the premises at the commencement of the lease.
Health and Safety Compliance for Commercial Buildings
This article will help you understand what steps Landlords and Property Managers should take to comply with the Health and Safety Act.